Friday, May 14, 2010

Summer Reading List

The two books that are at the top of my summer reading list are Burned by P.C cast and kristen cast and Mockingjay by Suzanne collins. The first book listed as been out for a while and I have been meaning to buy it. I think it is the 5th book in Marked series. The series in about vampyres(That's how it is spelled in the book.)When I bought the first book it was meant as a present for Ahlora, but after she finished it, it was just collecting dust on her shelf, so I decided to borrow it from her. After the first book I was hooked, but not as much as I am hooked to the Hunger Game series. After I read the first book I had a deep desire to read the next. It was like torture waiting for the next novel to be released. I am really looking forward to Mockingjay to be released.(It comes out in August!!! YAY!!) I would try to explain the story line myself, but it is way to confusing. I wouldn't know where to start. I also plan on reading many other books because reading is my favorite hobby.

1 comment:

  1. Burned sounds interstingg I would want to possibly read that as well.
