Friday, March 26, 2010

skit prep

Three parts of the book that stick out to me the most is the first time Pip meets Miss Havisham, when Biddy and Pip walk through the garden, and when Miss Havisham takes the blame for the way Estella is.
The first scene is Pip walking into a room with a creepy old lady all dressed in white, for a wedding, with candles all around. The clocks are stopped and there is no natural light. This would be an interesting skit because it would be entertaining seeing the emotion that Pip has towards Miss Havisham. It is also an important part of the book. It goes with the theme of "first times." The theme is present through out the whole book, making this an important scene.
Another scene I would want to see is Pip and Biddy walking through the garden and Biddy totally seeing through Pip. Biddy reads Pip like a book. She knows him that well. I think it would be a good scene because Biddy portrays another side of herself by being rude to Pip, even if it is just telling him the truth.
The last scene would scene shoes another side of Miss Havisham because she gets on her knees crying out to Pip about how she knows what she has done. I think she feels shame in what she has done and feels bad for Pip.
There are also other interesting scenes, but those are the few I could remember off the top of my head.

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