Thursday, December 17, 2009

animal farm poem

The Revision of Commands
by Julia McNamara

No animal in England is free
so rebellion it shall be
You take our produce everyday.
Equality we say
The overthrow of the human race
is what you get for this disgrace.

We have now rebelled
New commands we must now tell
Whatever goes upon two legs is enemy
but not now
no not for me
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend
but not when I slaughter you towards the end

No animal shall wear clothes
because everyone knows
animals shall not wear clothes
But alas we have lied again
It is okay to wear clothes, they bring no sin

No animal shall sleep in a bed
with sheets that is
never question us,
never quiz
No animals shall drink alcohol,
to excess
We revised the rule for the best

No animal shall kill any other animal
without cause
The revision of the commands has no flaws
All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others
Sorry again I lied we are nothing like brothers
We changed the rules oh, yes we did
We are power hungry because we are pigs

No animal in England is free
so rebellion on you pigs is how it should be
But we shall not break the commands
because we are trstworthy as you can see
Rebellion it shalt no be.
You are human now and out efforts are lost
but for trusting you we now pay the cost.

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